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falsi miti crowdfunding
how to raise capital

False myths about crowdfunding

False myths about crowdfunding sprang up like mushrooms in the early years of the phenomenon's development and are struggling to die. It is time to dispel them.

"True fans" e crowdfunding
how to find investors

“True fans” and crowdfunding: the winning combination

Creating a community of "true fans" around your brand is crucial to its long-term success, but it requires time and effort. This is where crowdfunding can come to the rescue, a tool that serves not only to raise capital, but also to build a solid and lasting relationship with one's most loyal customers.

Mamma Toscana
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Turbostorie di successo: equity crowdfunding di Mamma Toscana

Mamma Toscana è un nuovo format di ristorazione nato nel 2021, che ha concluso con successo una campagna di equity crowdfunding nel 2024. Non è un ristorante, perché il servizio è fast, ma il cuore del concept è la riproposizione delle ricette della tradizione in chiave moderna e in modalità snella.

crowdfunding faq
how to raise capital

Crowdfunding FAQs

In order to understand crowdfunding and its potential, it is enough to know a few rules and some basic principles that are key to its operation: we gather them in this article by answering crowdfunding FAQs.

valore pre-money e valore post-money
how to launch a startup

Difference between pre-money value and post-money value

One of the concepts that aspiring startuppers have to deal with when seeking capital for their business is that of pre-money valuation.To get a complete picture of the topic, one must understand the difference between pre-money and post-money value of a company.

turbo crowd
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Come coinvolgere la tua community in una raccolta di capitali

I Community Based Business risultano oggi quelli di maggiore successo. Apple e Tesla sono i due esempi più celebri, che devono il successo non solo alla loro filosofia e ai loro prodotti, ma all’aver trasformato i clienti in fedeli sostenitori e seguaci che si identificano in dei valori. Creare una community richiede tempo, sforzo e capitali, ma non è un obiettivo alla portata solo di grandi multinazionali.

account based marketing
how to raise capital

Account based marketing for capital raising

Account Based Marketing is a B2B marketing and sales strategy that is an alternative to the classic purchase of online and offline advertising space, allowing you to bypass high advertising costs and reach a carefully selected target audience based on your needs.