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crowdfunding faq

Crowdfunding FAQs

In order to understand crowdfunding and its potential, it is enough to know a few rules and some basic principles that are key to its operation: we gather them in this article by answering crowdfunding FAQs.

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crowdfunding reputazione bancaria

Crowdfunding to improve your credit rating

It can be difficult for a startup or SME in Italy to gain access to bank credit because the parameters required to have a good credit rating are often unattainable and the conditions to be met following any financing are onerous for these types of companies.

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referral marketing crowdfunding

Referral marketing for crowdfunding

Doing an equity crowdfunding campaign means talking about themselves, that is, about the company, the project behind it, and the values that drive it. Crowdfunding, in fact, is first and foremost a marketing operation. Among the strategies one can adopt is what is known as "referral marketing", which is nothing more than a sophistication of the famous word-of-mouth mechanism.

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trovare fondi per startup

How to find funding for a startup with subsidized finance

One of the main concerns of aspiring entrepreneurs grappling with launching a startup is capital. Finding funds becomes a real obsession, to the point that it risks making people forget other equally important aspects, such as validating the product or service you intend to propose. It is wise to always remember that it is useless to have mountains of capital at your disposal if there is no one willing to buy what you want to sell them.

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